Essentials of Islam Course (Extended)


The tradition of Islam, as delivered to us by the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, has always furthered itself through the prophetic method of teaching and learning, heart to heart, from teacher to student. The very essence of our practice relies on sound understanding to guide our belief and acts of worship, drawing us closer to our Creator. There is no shortage of evidence that in today’s world, we are suffering profound deficiencies in our comprehension of the Prophetic Way, but by the grace and permission of Allah, for every ailment, there exists a cure and this cure is knowledge of faith.

The Essentials of Islam Course Extended is designed to build upon what students have already learnt in the foundational classes. We have added this component in order to further the students knowledge beyond ‘ibādāt or worship, thereby contextualize Islam as a complex system of living, passed down through oral and written tradition. It is imperative that students take advantage of attending and prioritizing the foundational classes; however, students will be allowed to enroll in the extended classes without having completed the foundational.


Extended Courses

All Extended Classes [Fiqh 203, Ulūm al Qur'ān 103]
Sale Price: $250.00 Original Price: $300.00

Program Overview

Every Wednesday from 7:00PM – 9:00PM
9 Sessions Total

Risalah Islamic School of Excellence (RISE)
8726 122nd Ave NE
Kirkland, WA 98033

Required books can be bought online. Links to the books are provided below and PDFs will be made available when possible.

Certificate of Completion given to proficient students who complete all requirements—get a passing grade in attendance and participation for Fall, Winter, and Spring Quarters.


Intention of Imam `Abdullah ibn `Alawi al-Haddad


Ulūm al Qur'ān 102


Ulūm al Qur'ān 103 (Introduction to Qur'ānic Sciences) [Wed 7:00-7:55PM]

The journey to understanding tafsir begins with the specific sciences related to Qur’ān. These sciences, known as ‘Ulūm al Qur’ān in Arabic cover a range of topics from causes of revelation to the linguistic nature and indomitably of the Qur’ān, to the different modes of recitation and abrogation of verses. In preparation to fully understand and appreciate the tafsir literature, this class will equip students with an overview of these sciences, to foster a closer relationship with understanding the Qur’ān as it was understood and revealed to the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and his noble companions.

The sacred shari’ah is divine law revealed by our Creator to allow the worshipper the means of living a full and rich life. How we engage with others in our daily life is an essential part of our Islām and Īmān.  In this class we will begin studying the fiqh of mu’āmulāt or personal law. More specifically, the fiqh of marriage and divorce along with its subchapters including but not limited to: rulings and conditions of marriage, initiating divorce, revoking the divorce, guardians, suitability, custody, expenditure, rights of spouses, dowry, etc. This is a highly relevant class as it pertains to the rulings of that aspect of our life in which the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: “when a person gets married, he completes half of his religion”(Bayhaqi).


Imam Umar Holdridge


An Approach to the Islamic Sciences by Mufti Taqi Usmani (Author). Paperback: 364 pages. Publisher: Turath Publishing (2024).


Fiqh 202


Fiqh 203 (Mu'āmalāt - Matrimonial Law) [Wed 8:05PM-9:00PM]

The sacred shari’ah is divine law revealed by our Creator to allow the worshipper the means of living a full and rich life. How we engage with others in our daily life is an essential part of our Islām and Īmān.  In this class we will begin studying the fiqh of mu’āmulāt or personal law. More specifically, the fiqh of marriage and divorce along with its subchapters including but not limited to: rulings and conditions of marriage, initiating divorce, revoking the divorce, guardians, suitability, custody, expenditure, rights of spouses, dowry, etc. This is a highly relevant class as it pertains to the rulings of that aspect of our life in which the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: “when a person gets married, he completes half of his religion”(Bayhaqi).


Shaykh Umair Ahmad

Required textbook

The Mukhtasar al Qudūrī by Abū al Ḥusayn Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad al-Baghdādi al-Qudūrī al-Ḥanafī (Author). Hardback: 761 pages. Publisher: Ta-Ha Publishers Ltd (April 2010). Language: Arabic-English. ISBN-13: 978-1842001189
Al Ikhtiyār li Ta’līl Masā’il al Mukhtār